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Student achievement and a strong attendance record are highly correlated. Therefore, at the Higley Schools we take attendance seriously, and ask you as parents and students to do so as well.

You may also be aware that Arizona State law requires the regular school attendance of a child of school age. The parent or guardian is responsible by law for making sure that the child attends school regularly.


You can contact the 24hr attendance hotline or you can email your absence.

Kelly Harkins

Attendance Specialist

480-279-6900 *option 2

What can you do to help as parents?

Make sure that your child attends school daily and arrives and departs at the scheduled times. Please do not keep your child from school unnecessarily for birthdays, haircuts, missing the bus, waking up late or for vacations. Please work hard to schedule appointments and vacations around the school calendar.

When is it appropriate for my child to not attend school?

If your child is ill, we recommend that you keep your child at home for your child's benefit, as well as their class members and teachers.

What do I do when my child cannot attend school?

State law mandates that the schools record all reasons for all student absences. Therefore, when a student is absent, please call the school the morning of or before the day of absence in order to advise the school as to the reason for the absence. All absences not verified will remain unexcused.  Only a parent or legal guardian of said student can excuse an absence. 

To review the districts attendance policies in the Student Code of Conduct.

CUTS: Court Unified Truancy Suppression

Did you know that Truancy is known as a "gateway offense" often leading to further delinquent activity?  With this in mind, the Maricopa County Juvenile Probation Department has developed several Truancy Suppression programs for schools to implement on their campuses.  These programs have proven to be effective tools in reducing truancy in schools and increasing promotion rates of students.  The CUTS program has proven that the collaboration between the school, parents, student and the probation department is effective in reducing truancy and subsequently curbing deliquent activity. 


Coronado Elementary issues a letter regarding attendance to students who have met the following criteria:

  • 1st letter = 5 or more absences
  • 2nd letter = 9 or more absences
  • 3rd letter = 13 or more absences
  • 4th letter = 18 or more absences
  • Conference with school administrator

*Please note that the absences count whether they are excused or unexcused.*