Coronado Elementary School
Frequently Asked Questions
Attendance Line: 480-279-6900 Option 2
- The message line is available 24hrs a day - 7 days a week (All absences are to be reported within 24hrs of missed dated and must be reported by the parent or legal guardian of said student.)
- The automated absence calller will start calls at 9:30am each morning - Any messages left after 9am are subject to receiving a call.
Tardy Policy
"Failing to be at a designated location at a specified time. Repeated acts of tardiness may be considered defiance/insubordination."
- All students will be marked TARDY if they are not in their seat and ready for class instruction by 8:10am.
- Any student that has accumulated 3 or more tardies will be issued an attendance letter.
- Discipline consequences can range from a written notification, student detention and Parent conference with School Administration.
(The above information can be found on page 31 of the Code of Conduct.)
Attendance Policy
Parents/Guardians are charged by law with the responsiblitiy for their student's attendance. In the event of a necessary absence known in advance, the parent/guardian is expected to inform the school. All absences not verified by either parental or administrative authorization within 24 hours will be recorded as unexecused.
Parents are asked to prioritize their child's education by scheduling medical and dental appointments outside of school hours, as well as scheduling family vacation during school breaks, holidays and summer vacation.
- Absence slips are available in the front office for foreseen events. You can submit to the front office or send in with your student.
- Absences are to be reported within 24hrs of date missed.
- Absences are calculated on the amount of curriculum time missed during the school day. So arriving late or leaving early may result in a half or full day's absence.
- Refer to the CUTS section within attendance for additional information
(The above information can be found on page 10 of the Code of Conduct.)
Click here to view the HUSD Code of Conduct.